
Matt Eliason has joined Iceland Insider 468

5. feb 2014 13:07

Matt Eliason is the newest member of Iceland Insider editorial staff. Matt is new to Iceland and will be living in Reykjavík for the summer. He will write a regular column in diary form for Iceland Mag, where he chronicles his first impressions of the country, its people and traditions. You can read his first installment here.

Matt was born and raised in the United States in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois. He graduated with a degree in Communications and Business from Northwestern University in 2011, while also playing striker for the University soccer team. Here in Iceland he will play football for Þróttur Reykjavík.

Matt is a brilliant football player and became an internet sensation last year when he scored a fantastic goal with an overhead kick in an exhibition game with Lionel Messi and friends. The goal was assisted by none other than Thierry Henry. You can watch it below. 


Northwestern's Matt Eliason Bicycle Kick Goal – Messi & Friends at Soldier Field – July 6, 2013, by NUHighlightsVideo

Matt Eliason is the newest member of Iceland Insider editorial staff. Matt is new to Iceland and will be living in Reykjavík for the summer. He will write a regular column in diary form for Iceland Mag, where he chronicles his first impressions of the country, its people and traditions. You can read his first installment here.

Matt was born and raised in the United States in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois. He graduated with a degree in Communications and Business from Northwestern University in 2011, while also playing striker for the University soccer team. Here in Iceland he will play football for Þróttur Reykjavík.

Matt is a brilliant football player and became an internet sensation last year when he scored a fantastic goal with an overhead kick in an exhibition game with Lionel Messi and friends. The goal was assisted by none other than Thierry Henry. You can watch it below. 


Northwestern's Matt Eliason Bicycle Kick Goal – Messi & Friends at Soldier Field – July 6, 2013, by NUHighlightsVideo