Iceland’s Pirate Party is the country’s most popular party according to a new opinion poll by Market and Media Research (MMR). General elections are planned in Iceland in October, the exact date is yet to be determined.

The next elections were supposed to be in the spring of 2017 but the elections were moved forward to meet the demands of the opposition parties and large part of the general public following the resignation of prime minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson. Sigmundur was exposed of lying about his connections to an off-shore company in a notorious tax-haven when the Panama Papers were leaked in April this year.
According to the new opinion poll the Pirates have the support of 26.8% of the nation, but received 5.1% of votes in the 2013 elections.
The liberal right-wing Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn) is supported by 24.0% of the nation. The party received 26.7% of the votes in the 2013 elections and forms Iceland’s coalition government with Sigmundur’s party, the Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn), which is supported by 8.3 in MMR’s poll. That is down by close to two third from the last elections when it received 24.4% of the popular vote.
Iceland’s third largest party, according to the poll, is the Left Greens (Vinstrihreyfingin grænt framboð – VG) with a 12.9% support, up from 10.9% in the 2013 elections.
A new conservative pro-EU party called Viðreisn (Restoration) enjoys a 9.4% support and The Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylkingin) has 8.4% share of the support, down from 12.9% in the 2013 elections,
Iceland’s two established left and social democratic parties (Samfylkingin and Vinstrihreyfingin grænt framboð – VG), that formed Iceland's coalition government between 2009 and 2013, have been facing bitter crisis, but while VG is rising again Samfylkingin is fighting a deep existential battle.
The Pirate Party’s big popularity is the obvious reason for the low support for the left and social democratic parties. Combined support to those three parties, however shows a strong movement away from the conservative right wing policy of Iceland’s current government.
Iceland’s Pirate Party is the country’s most popular party according to a new opinion poll by Market and Media Research (MMR). General elections are planned in Iceland in October, the exact date is yet to be determined.

The next elections were supposed to be in the spring of 2017 but the elections were moved forward to meet the demands of the opposition parties and large part of the general public following the resignation of prime minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson. Sigmundur was exposed of lying about his connections to an off-shore company in a notorious tax-haven when the Panama Papers were leaked in April this year.
According to the new opinion poll the Pirates have the support of 26.8% of the nation, but received 5.1% of votes in the 2013 elections.
The liberal right-wing Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn) is supported by 24.0% of the nation. The party received 26.7% of the votes in the 2013 elections and forms Iceland’s coalition government with Sigmundur’s party, the Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn), which is supported by 8.3 in MMR’s poll. That is down by close to two third from the last elections when it received 24.4% of the popular vote.
Iceland’s third largest party, according to the poll, is the Left Greens (Vinstrihreyfingin grænt framboð – VG) with a 12.9% support, up from 10.9% in the 2013 elections.
A new conservative pro-EU party called Viðreisn (Restoration) enjoys a 9.4% support and The Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylkingin) has 8.4% share of the support, down from 12.9% in the 2013 elections,
Iceland’s two established left and social democratic parties (Samfylkingin and Vinstrihreyfingin grænt framboð – VG), that formed Iceland's coalition government between 2009 and 2013, have been facing bitter crisis, but while VG is rising again Samfylkingin is fighting a deep existential battle.
The Pirate Party’s big popularity is the obvious reason for the low support for the left and social democratic parties. Combined support to those three parties, however shows a strong movement away from the conservative right wing policy of Iceland’s current government.