
Whale museum receives a donation from Abercrombie & Kent 3279

8. júl 2015 11:54

The Whale Museum in Húsavík village, in Northern Iceland, recently received a donation of 14,320 dolllars from Abercrombie & Kent Philanthropy.

Support of the museum‘s blue whale project
The donation is intended to support the Museum‘s plans to construct exhibition hall to display the skeleton of a blue whale which beached in Northern Iceland in 2010. The bones of the whale are currently in storage waiting to be put on display. Since 2013 Abercrombie & Kent Philanthropy has made two donations to the project.

Abercrombie & Kent Philanthropy was established in 1982 by the founder of Abercrombie & Kent, Geoffrey Kent. Abercrombie & Kent is one of the world‘s largest luxury travel companies. Founded in East Africa to organize safaris, it has since then expanded to organize luxury travel to a wide range of destinations all over the world, including Iceland.

A group of almost 200 people visited the Húsavík Whale Museum on the occasion of the donation.

The Whale Museum in Húsavík village, in Northern Iceland, recently received a donation of 14,320 dolllars from Abercrombie & Kent Philanthropy.

Support of the museum‘s blue whale project
The donation is intended to support the Museum‘s plans to construct exhibition hall to display the skeleton of a blue whale which beached in Northern Iceland in 2010. The bones of the whale are currently in storage waiting to be put on display. Since 2013 Abercrombie & Kent Philanthropy has made two donations to the project.

Abercrombie & Kent Philanthropy was established in 1982 by the founder of Abercrombie & Kent, Geoffrey Kent. Abercrombie & Kent is one of the world‘s largest luxury travel companies. Founded in East Africa to organize safaris, it has since then expanded to organize luxury travel to a wide range of destinations all over the world, including Iceland.

A group of almost 200 people visited the Húsavík Whale Museum on the occasion of the donation.