
Video: Powerful twister generates lava splatter above red-orange glowing Holuhraun magma river 1455

11. maí 2014 10:59

A scientist working on site at the Holuhraun eruption captured amazing footage of a heat twister ripping up red-orange glowing lava from the flowing magma river below and then hurling it back down.

It was Danish volcanologist Morten S. Riishuus who filmed this phenomonon. It's published on the Facebook page of the Institute of Earth Sciences, and is embedded below.




A scientist working on site at the Holuhraun eruption captured amazing footage of a heat twister ripping up red-orange glowing lava from the flowing magma river below and then hurling it back down.

It was Danish volcanologist Morten S. Riishuus who filmed this phenomonon. It's published on the Facebook page of the Institute of Earth Sciences, and is embedded below.