
US Neo-nazis believe their "meme magic" caused the collapse of the Icelandic coalition government 7017

13. mar 2023 20:55

On Friday the US Neo Nazi website The Daily Stormer registered an Icelandic domain name, effectively transferring the site to Iceland. The Daily Stormer found a home in Iceland after its previous registration was cancelled by GoDaddy in late August, following the Charlottesville Virgina Alt Right rally. A new registration was then denied by Google due to the Daily Stormer's promotion of racism and hate-speech.

In addition to antisemitism and neo-nazi propaganda the site peddles incomprehensible conspiracy theories and nonsense. A good example is the site's story about the relocation to Iceland.

Nazi website registered same day as government collapsed


Hate speech The site has been closed down and denied registration in the US for promoting hate speech. Photo/Daily Stormer screenshot

On Sunday the site ran a story about the new domain, titled Glorious Kek has Our Back on the Iceland Domain…!, featuring an antisemitic cartoon of a Jew pulling the plug on the entire Worldwide Web to silence the site.

The story goes on to connect the registration of the Daily Stormer and the collapse of the Icelandic government:

So far, the only domain that Iceland has ever shut down was a literal ISIS recruiting site, and that by Parliamentary decree. We think it is likely that we will be the second site to get such a decree, even though we are not an illegal site, and are pacifists.

But then, lo and behold, by the power of KEK: on the very day we made the transfer, Iceland’s government fell apart.

On the exact day. Within hours.

The Daily Stormer explains the broad outlines of the scandal which led to the collapse of the coalition government, arguing that the only conceivable reason the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice tried to stop the public and media from discovering the Prime Minister's father had written a letter of recommendation for the pardon of a convicted child molester is that he had information connecting the government to one of these high-level pedophile rings that they all appear to be involved in these days.

Meme magic


Incomprihensible nonsense The Daily Stormer uses code and strange allegories or metaphors which appear to amount to a secret language. One of these is a magical toad Kek. Photo/Daily Stormer screengrabs

The story then goes on to argue that the collapse of the government will mean the site should remain up for a long time. This, the story claims, is due to some meme magic and the glory of Kek:

Now tell me, honestly: what are the statistical chances of this happening?

Do you yet believe in the power of Meme Magic?

Do you believe now in the glory of Kek?

Further research reveals that this Kek appears to be some kind of pagan toad which US Neo-Nazis worship. This Kek and the meme magic give the Neo-Nazis supernatural powers:

We have power now, that we don’t even understand. The internet has given us the ability to focus our psychic energies together onto very specific goals. The memes are what directs the focus.

We can now do absolutely anything we want to do.

The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service RÚV points out that the Neo-Nazis seem to have gotten their facts wrong on at least one crucial point in this story, namely their account of why and how the ISIS site was shut down.

In 2014 two ISIS connected sites were registered in Iceland, khilafah.is and hilafah.is. The sites spread terrorist propaganda for the so-called Islamic State. However, these sites were not shut down by the Icelandic government, but by ISNIC, the Icelandic internet domain registry. Jens Pétur Jensen, the manager of ISNIC told RÚV the decision to shut these sites down was made to protect the image of ISNIC and the .is domain. He stressed that ISNIC does not take the decision to shut down domains lightly.

Dailystormer.is under investigation

At present the site remains open, but ISNIC is currently investigating whether there are any irregularities in its registration, or whether the site otherwise violates Isnic terms and conditions. If the site, dailystormer.is, violates the rules it will be closed Jens Pétur told RÚV.

When a site is registered ISNIC verifies the registration information, among other things by contacting the person who is listed as responsible for the content of the site. The site was registered by a man identified as Andrew Anglin, who is said to live in Worthington in the state of Ohio. Wikipedia identifies Anglin as the editor of the Daily Stormer, but notes that his whereabouts are unknown. Jens told RÚV that ISNIC has received information indicating Anglin does not exist, and that if that is the case the site will be closed.


On Friday the US Neo Nazi website The Daily Stormer registered an Icelandic domain name, effectively transferring the site to Iceland. The Daily Stormer found a home in Iceland after its previous registration was cancelled by GoDaddy in late August, following the Charlottesville Virgina Alt Right rally. A new registration was then denied by Google due to the Daily Stormer's promotion of racism and hate-speech.

In addition to antisemitism and neo-nazi propaganda the site peddles incomprehensible conspiracy theories and nonsense. A good example is the site's story about the relocation to Iceland.

Nazi website registered same day as government collapsed


Hate speech The site has been closed down and denied registration in the US for promoting hate speech. Photo/Daily Stormer screenshot

On Sunday the site ran a story about the new domain, titled Glorious Kek has Our Back on the Iceland Domain…!, featuring an antisemitic cartoon of a Jew pulling the plug on the entire Worldwide Web to silence the site.

The story goes on to connect the registration of the Daily Stormer and the collapse of the Icelandic government:

So far, the only domain that Iceland has ever shut down was a literal ISIS recruiting site, and that by Parliamentary decree. We think it is likely that we will be the second site to get such a decree, even though we are not an illegal site, and are pacifists.

But then, lo and behold, by the power of KEK: on the very day we made the transfer, Iceland’s government fell apart.

On the exact day. Within hours.

The Daily Stormer explains the broad outlines of the scandal which led to the collapse of the coalition government, arguing that the only conceivable reason the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice tried to stop the public and media from discovering the Prime Minister's father had written a letter of recommendation for the pardon of a convicted child molester is that he had information connecting the government to one of these high-level pedophile rings that they all appear to be involved in these days.

Meme magic


Incomprihensible nonsense The Daily Stormer uses code and strange allegories or metaphors which appear to amount to a secret language. One of these is a magical toad Kek. Photo/Daily Stormer screengrabs

The story then goes on to argue that the collapse of the government will mean the site should remain up for a long time. This, the story claims, is due to some meme magic and the glory of Kek:

Now tell me, honestly: what are the statistical chances of this happening?

Do you yet believe in the power of Meme Magic?

Do you believe now in the glory of Kek?

Further research reveals that this Kek appears to be some kind of pagan toad which US Neo-Nazis worship. This Kek and the meme magic give the Neo-Nazis supernatural powers:

We have power now, that we don’t even understand. The internet has given us the ability to focus our psychic energies together onto very specific goals. The memes are what directs the focus.

We can now do absolutely anything we want to do.

The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service RÚV points out that the Neo-Nazis seem to have gotten their facts wrong on at least one crucial point in this story, namely their account of why and how the ISIS site was shut down.

In 2014 two ISIS connected sites were registered in Iceland, khilafah.is and hilafah.is. The sites spread terrorist propaganda for the so-called Islamic State. However, these sites were not shut down by the Icelandic government, but by ISNIC, the Icelandic internet domain registry. Jens Pétur Jensen, the manager of ISNIC told RÚV the decision to shut these sites down was made to protect the image of ISNIC and the .is domain. He stressed that ISNIC does not take the decision to shut down domains lightly.

Dailystormer.is under investigation

At present the site remains open, but ISNIC is currently investigating whether there are any irregularities in its registration, or whether the site otherwise violates Isnic terms and conditions. If the site, dailystormer.is, violates the rules it will be closed Jens Pétur told RÚV.

When a site is registered ISNIC verifies the registration information, among other things by contacting the person who is listed as responsible for the content of the site. The site was registered by a man identified as Andrew Anglin, who is said to live in Worthington in the state of Ohio. Wikipedia identifies Anglin as the editor of the Daily Stormer, but notes that his whereabouts are unknown. Jens told RÚV that ISNIC has received information indicating Anglin does not exist, and that if that is the case the site will be closed.