
Unemployment in 2015 was only 2.9% on average 165

13. mar 2023 20:28

According to the Directorate of Labour the unemployment rate in 2015 was only 2.9% on average the local news site visir.is reports. According to analysis by economists at Landsbankinn bank the nature of unemployment has changed significantly in recent years. Instead of primarily hitting untrained workers and those with little formal education hardest, unemployment now seems to be proportionately more common among people with university diplomas.

Read more: The state of the economy: Unemployment remains low, government debt continue to shrink, and inflation is under expectations

According to a Landsbankinn report on the conditions in the labour market the change is dramatic. Historically the unemployed were primarily unskilled workers. In 2000 over 70% of unemployed had only finished primary school. In 2015 this figure was down to 44%. At the same time more people with college degrees seem to find it harder to find employment. In 2000 only 10% of unemployed had graduated from college. In 2015 this figure had risen to 25%. Women with college degrees are more likely to be unemployed than men, the report also concludes.

According to the Directorate of Labour the unemployment rate in 2015 was only 2.9% on average the local news site visir.is reports. According to analysis by economists at Landsbankinn bank the nature of unemployment has changed significantly in recent years. Instead of primarily hitting untrained workers and those with little formal education hardest, unemployment now seems to be proportionately more common among people with university diplomas.

Read more: The state of the economy: Unemployment remains low, government debt continue to shrink, and inflation is under expectations

According to a Landsbankinn report on the conditions in the labour market the change is dramatic. Historically the unemployed were primarily unskilled workers. In 2000 over 70% of unemployed had only finished primary school. In 2015 this figure was down to 44%. At the same time more people with college degrees seem to find it harder to find employment. In 2000 only 10% of unemployed had graduated from college. In 2015 this figure had risen to 25%. Women with college degrees are more likely to be unemployed than men, the report also concludes.