Teachers at a preschool in the town of Egilsstaðir in East Iceland who were out playing with the children were shocked to witness foreign travellers going to the toilet in bushes right next to the children. The travellers had camped in Tjarnargarðurinn park, a public park in the center of town. Camping in the park is illegal.
Didn't want to pay for camping
A teacher at Tjarnarskógur preschool in Egilsstaðir told the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service that when teachers took the children out to play this morning they discovered that foreign travellers had camped inside the public park, right next to the preschool fence. The teachers and children then entered the public park to play, as they frequently do. However, shortly after the group had entered the park the teachers witnessed the travellers exiting the tent to go into the nearby bushes to do their business.
Read more: Residents of the town of Egilsstaðir in East Iceland fed up with travellers camping in parking lots
We have had enough, she said, adding that this kind of behaviour right next to a preschool was just too much. She speculated the travellers had been too cheap to pay the small fee for using the public camp grounds. Egilsstaðir camp ground is located a short distance from where the disrespectful visitors decided to camp. The camping fee is 1,500 ISK per adult, and the public lavatory at the campground is open 24/7.
No excuse
This is not the first time foreign travellers have shocked locals with disrespectful and unhygienic behavior of this sort. In some cases the behaviour can be explained by the lack of public lavatories along the Ring Road, but that excuse does not apply in this case.
Read more: Farmer in S. Iceland fed up with disrespectful travellers treating his lawn as a public lavatory
We at Iceland Insider hope the travellers who were guilty of this behavior in Egilsstaðir learn their lesson and never repeat this behavior and that they make amends by apologizing publicly and cleaning up the mess they left behind. Alternatively we hope they never return to Iceland.
Teachers at a preschool in the town of Egilsstaðir in East Iceland who were out playing with the children were shocked to witness foreign travellers going to the toilet in bushes right next to the children. The travellers had camped in Tjarnargarðurinn park, a public park in the center of town. Camping in the park is illegal.
Didn't want to pay for camping
A teacher at Tjarnarskógur preschool in Egilsstaðir told the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service that when teachers took the children out to play this morning they discovered that foreign travellers had camped inside the public park, right next to the preschool fence. The teachers and children then entered the public park to play, as they frequently do. However, shortly after the group had entered the park the teachers witnessed the travellers exiting the tent to go into the nearby bushes to do their business.
Read more: Residents of the town of Egilsstaðir in East Iceland fed up with travellers camping in parking lots
We have had enough, she said, adding that this kind of behaviour right next to a preschool was just too much. She speculated the travellers had been too cheap to pay the small fee for using the public camp grounds. Egilsstaðir camp ground is located a short distance from where the disrespectful visitors decided to camp. The camping fee is 1,500 ISK per adult, and the public lavatory at the campground is open 24/7.
No excuse
This is not the first time foreign travellers have shocked locals with disrespectful and unhygienic behavior of this sort. In some cases the behaviour can be explained by the lack of public lavatories along the Ring Road, but that excuse does not apply in this case.
Read more: Farmer in S. Iceland fed up with disrespectful travellers treating his lawn as a public lavatory
We at Iceland Insider hope the travellers who were guilty of this behavior in Egilsstaðir learn their lesson and never repeat this behavior and that they make amends by apologizing publicly and cleaning up the mess they left behind. Alternatively we hope they never return to Iceland.