
Traveller found dead on a Snæfellsnes peninsula beach was a sixty year old British male 96

1. jún 2016 10:44

The foreign traveller who was found dead on Löngufjörur beach on Snæfellsnes peninsula on Sunday was a sixty year old British man, the local newspaper Morgunblaðið reports. All available police and Search and Rescue teams in West Iceland participated in the search of the traveller who was determined missing after he both failed to return his rental vehicle on time and missed his flight from Iceland on Sunday.

Read more: Missing foreign traveller found dead on a beach on Snæfellsnes peninsula, West Iceland

The missing traveller's car was located by Löngufjörur beach on Sunday afternoon, and shortly thereafter his body was not far from the car. Initially police believed they might be searching for two missing travellers, as the amount of gear in the car indicated the man had not been alone, but police later determined the man had been travelling alone.

The foreign traveller who was found dead on Löngufjörur beach on Snæfellsnes peninsula on Sunday was a sixty year old British man, the local newspaper Morgunblaðið reports. All available police and Search and Rescue teams in West Iceland participated in the search of the traveller who was determined missing after he both failed to return his rental vehicle on time and missed his flight from Iceland on Sunday.

Read more: Missing foreign traveller found dead on a beach on Snæfellsnes peninsula, West Iceland

The missing traveller's car was located by Löngufjörur beach on Sunday afternoon, and shortly thereafter his body was not far from the car. Initially police believed they might be searching for two missing travellers, as the amount of gear in the car indicated the man had not been alone, but police later determined the man had been travelling alone.