American couple Hunter and Sarah Lawrence visited Iceland for the first time a year ago, while on their honeymoon. The couple shared snapshots from their trip on their website,, but also run an adorable Instagram account for their beautiful Golden Retriever, Aspen, who hopes to travel with his owners to Iceland one day.
A caption accompanying an image showing Aspen donning a parka from Icelandic clothing brand 66 North reads: “My mom and dad wore these parkas when they lived in Iceland this past winter, I was always jealous I didn't have my own…I'll just borrow theirs. Also, when can I go to Iceland, Icelandair? I call dibs on your first stopover for your four legged friends. Don't you think they should send Aspen to Iceland?”
What Aspen and his owners don’t seem to realise is that all animals entering Iceland are quarantined for a period of 4 weeks, if not, the pet may be refused entry and face deportation. The good news, however, is that the quarantine facilities are located at Keflavík Airport and on the beautiful island of Hrísey in North Iceland.
Animal quarantine regulations can be viewed here.
American couple Hunter and Sarah Lawrence visited Iceland for the first time a year ago, while on their honeymoon. The couple shared snapshots from their trip on their website,, but also run an adorable Instagram account for their beautiful Golden Retriever, Aspen, who hopes to travel with his owners to Iceland one day.
A caption accompanying an image showing Aspen donning a parka from Icelandic clothing brand 66 North reads: “My mom and dad wore these parkas when they lived in Iceland this past winter, I was always jealous I didn't have my own…I'll just borrow theirs. Also, when can I go to Iceland, Icelandair? I call dibs on your first stopover for your four legged friends. Don't you think they should send Aspen to Iceland?”
What Aspen and his owners don’t seem to realise is that all animals entering Iceland are quarantined for a period of 4 weeks, if not, the pet may be refused entry and face deportation. The good news, however, is that the quarantine facilities are located at Keflavík Airport and on the beautiful island of Hrísey in North Iceland.
Animal quarantine regulations can be viewed here.