
Three members of parliament propose a shortened work week. Claim it will increase productivity 538

11. apr 2014 13:03

According to Vísir.is two members of parliament for the Pirate Party and one for the Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylkingin) propose that Iceland switch to a 35-hour workweek instead of the current 40-hour week without cutting workers’ salaries.

According to the three MPs productivity in countries with shorter workdays, such as Denmark, Holland and Norway, is greater than in Iceland where the workweek is longer.  They also claim that shorter workdays will make people healthier and happier.

The proposal also mentions that when it comes to balancing work and family life, Iceland is ranked number 27th of 36 OECD countries. 

According to Vísir.is two members of parliament for the Pirate Party and one for the Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylkingin) propose that Iceland switch to a 35-hour workweek instead of the current 40-hour week without cutting workers’ salaries.

According to the three MPs productivity in countries with shorter workdays, such as Denmark, Holland and Norway, is greater than in Iceland where the workweek is longer.  They also claim that shorter workdays will make people healthier and happier.

The proposal also mentions that when it comes to balancing work and family life, Iceland is ranked number 27th of 36 OECD countries.