The suspected attacker and victim of the deadly attack which took place on Hagamelur Street in Vesturbær neighborhood on Thursday had previously had a short personal relationship police has confirmed. Police has also released one of the two men arrested at the scene, an Icelander in his 20s. Police has eliminated the man from the investigation. The other man, a foreign national in his 30s, will remain in custody while police continues its investigation.
Read more: Third murder this year: Two men arrested yesterday evening. Woman dead after violent attack
On Thursday evening residents in other apartments of the house on Hagamelur heard loud noises which sounded like a violent altercation and attack were in progress in the top floor apartment. The Metropolitan Police received the call at at 38 minutes past nine, responding immediately. Police had arrived at the scene only minutes later.
Read more: More details in Hagamelur murder case. Suspects in their 20s, 30s. Victim was in her 40s
Victim worked at guesthouse in Reykjavík
The apartment on the top floor of the building, a tiny 30 square meter apartment, has been split into three separate rooms, rented out to young people and students. The neighbors have never heard any noise or noticed any trouble in the apartment.
Three people live in the apartment. In addition to the victim and one of the two men arrested, a third flatmate, a young foreign woman who is a student at the University of Iceland, is not connected to the case in any way. The man who was arrested, an Icelander in his 20s, is a witness.
The victim, a Latvian woman in her 40s who had lived in Iceland for several years, worked at a guesthouse in Reykjavík. She had worked as a cleaner and maid at various hotels and guesthouses around Iceland in recent years. According to people who knew the woman she was well liked by everyone who knew her.
The attacker has been identified as an asylum seeker. He is in his 30s.
Cause of attack unknown
Grímur Grímsson, police superintendent, confirmed in an interview with the local news site Vísir that the woman and the attacker had at some point had a short romantic or personal relationship. However, the cause of the attack is not known.
The Icelandic man who was arrested on Thursday has been described as having been a guest in the apartment of the victim when the second man arrived and attacked the woman. The noise from the apartment indicates the attack was very violent and aggravated. Police has confirmed that some sort of weapon or object was used in the attack.
According to eyewitnesses the suspect which is in custody was extremely agitated when police led him from the house to the squad car. He was covered in blood and only wearing his undergarments when police led him out. The man struggled and fought against the officers, and had to be subdued with the help of mace.
A judge at the Reykjavík District court has ruled the man will remain in custody for one week while the police completes its investigation. The short custody is an indication the police believes it is close to solving the case. Grímur Grímsson confirmed to Vísir that the investigation is very well along. He refused to say whether the suspect has confessed.
The suspected attacker and victim of the deadly attack which took place on Hagamelur Street in Vesturbær neighborhood on Thursday had previously had a short personal relationship police has confirmed. Police has also released one of the two men arrested at the scene, an Icelander in his 20s. Police has eliminated the man from the investigation. The other man, a foreign national in his 30s, will remain in custody while police continues its investigation.
Read more: Third murder this year: Two men arrested yesterday evening. Woman dead after violent attack
On Thursday evening residents in other apartments of the house on Hagamelur heard loud noises which sounded like a violent altercation and attack were in progress in the top floor apartment. The Metropolitan Police received the call at at 38 minutes past nine, responding immediately. Police had arrived at the scene only minutes later.
Read more: More details in Hagamelur murder case. Suspects in their 20s, 30s. Victim was in her 40s
Victim worked at guesthouse in Reykjavík
The apartment on the top floor of the building, a tiny 30 square meter apartment, has been split into three separate rooms, rented out to young people and students. The neighbors have never heard any noise or noticed any trouble in the apartment.
Three people live in the apartment. In addition to the victim and one of the two men arrested, a third flatmate, a young foreign woman who is a student at the University of Iceland, is not connected to the case in any way. The man who was arrested, an Icelander in his 20s, is a witness.
The victim, a Latvian woman in her 40s who had lived in Iceland for several years, worked at a guesthouse in Reykjavík. She had worked as a cleaner and maid at various hotels and guesthouses around Iceland in recent years. According to people who knew the woman she was well liked by everyone who knew her.
The attacker has been identified as an asylum seeker. He is in his 30s.
Cause of attack unknown
Grímur Grímsson, police superintendent, confirmed in an interview with the local news site Vísir that the woman and the attacker had at some point had a short romantic or personal relationship. However, the cause of the attack is not known.
The Icelandic man who was arrested on Thursday has been described as having been a guest in the apartment of the victim when the second man arrived and attacked the woman. The noise from the apartment indicates the attack was very violent and aggravated. Police has confirmed that some sort of weapon or object was used in the attack.
According to eyewitnesses the suspect which is in custody was extremely agitated when police led him from the house to the squad car. He was covered in blood and only wearing his undergarments when police led him out. The man struggled and fought against the officers, and had to be subdued with the help of mace.
A judge at the Reykjavík District court has ruled the man will remain in custody for one week while the police completes its investigation. The short custody is an indication the police believes it is close to solving the case. Grímur Grímsson confirmed to Vísir that the investigation is very well along. He refused to say whether the suspect has confessed.