Have you ever arrived at your destination and realised to your horror that you forgot something important at home? Well, retail and rental store Gangleri Outfitters will come to the rescue of any forgetful hiker, at least when it comes to outdoor or camping gear.
The store, located at Hverfisgata 82, opened in 2013, on Iceland’s national holiday, June 17th, and is owned and run by nature-lover Vaidas Valentukevicius.
Gangleri carries pretty much everything and anything one could need for an outdoor adventure in Iceland’s stunning landscape: tents, hiking equipment, clothing, and cooking utensils. And so far, business has been booming.
It looks like more and more people are becoming interested in trying out camping and other outdoor activities during winter months.”
“Summers are crazy busy, while winters are slower, but it looks like more and more people are becoming interested in trying out camping and other outdoor activities during winter months. The shop is still growing and we’re always expanding our product range,” Vaidas explains.
The shop’s name, Gangleri, comes from old Norse mythology, and means wanderer, or way-weary, or simply, someone who walks. It’s one of the more than two hundred names in the Prose Edda for Óðinn, the chief god of the old religion, Ásatrú.

According to Vaidas, his customers have different levels of experience and knowledge when it comes to outdoor activities. Most of them, he says, know what they need for their trip but don’t use such gear back home. So they would rather rent the equipment than buy it.
“Camping gear is very popular during summer. In winter, it´s either warm clothing or winter mountaineering gear,” he says.
When asked whether he has any advice for those planning to hike in Iceland this summer, he says: “Do your research and plan well before going to the mountains, this will make your trip safer and more enjoyable. Check www.safetravel.is for tips and equipment lists. Also, register your travel plan on this website.”
Have you ever arrived at your destination and realised to your horror that you forgot something important at home? Well, retail and rental store Gangleri Outfitters will come to the rescue of any forgetful hiker, at least when it comes to outdoor or camping gear.
The store, located at Hverfisgata 82, opened in 2013, on Iceland’s national holiday, June 17th, and is owned and run by nature-lover Vaidas Valentukevicius.
Gangleri carries pretty much everything and anything one could need for an outdoor adventure in Iceland’s stunning landscape: tents, hiking equipment, clothing, and cooking utensils. And so far, business has been booming.
It looks like more and more people are becoming interested in trying out camping and other outdoor activities during winter months.”
“Summers are crazy busy, while winters are slower, but it looks like more and more people are becoming interested in trying out camping and other outdoor activities during winter months. The shop is still growing and we’re always expanding our product range,” Vaidas explains.
The shop’s name, Gangleri, comes from old Norse mythology, and means wanderer, or way-weary, or simply, someone who walks. It’s one of the more than two hundred names in the Prose Edda for Óðinn, the chief god of the old religion, Ásatrú.

According to Vaidas, his customers have different levels of experience and knowledge when it comes to outdoor activities. Most of them, he says, know what they need for their trip but don’t use such gear back home. So they would rather rent the equipment than buy it.
“Camping gear is very popular during summer. In winter, it´s either warm clothing or winter mountaineering gear,” he says.
When asked whether he has any advice for those planning to hike in Iceland this summer, he says: “Do your research and plan well before going to the mountains, this will make your trip safer and more enjoyable. Check www.safetravel.is for tips and equipment lists. Also, register your travel plan on this website.”