
Price of flights to and from Iceland at historic lows: Dropped 33% last year 3677

2. júl 2017 14:25

The average price of flights between Iceland and the rest of the world has never been lower, according to the Icelandic booking site Dohop. The average price of flights from Keflavík in January 2017 is 33% lower than in January of 2016. The price has dropped by 40% since January 2015 when Dohop began calculating their price average. Prices are likely to continue to fall, analysis by Dohop suggests.

Read more: Icelandic booking site DoHop receives international award, offers an all-expenses Iceland trip for two to a lucky visitor

Calculations by Dohop show that the average airline ticket from Keflavík now costs 44,045 ISK (386 USD/369 EUR) compared to 60,326 ISK (529 USD/506 EUR) in January 2015. The reason for the falling prices is growing competition as more airlines are now flying to Keflavík. Low oil prices are also a major factor.

Prices have dropped most on flights between Keflavík and cities in European.


The average price of flights between Iceland and the rest of the world has never been lower, according to the Icelandic booking site Dohop. The average price of flights from Keflavík in January 2017 is 33% lower than in January of 2016. The price has dropped by 40% since January 2015 when Dohop began calculating their price average. Prices are likely to continue to fall, analysis by Dohop suggests.

Read more: Icelandic booking site DoHop receives international award, offers an all-expenses Iceland trip for two to a lucky visitor

Calculations by Dohop show that the average airline ticket from Keflavík now costs 44,045 ISK (386 USD/369 EUR) compared to 60,326 ISK (529 USD/506 EUR) in January 2015. The reason for the falling prices is growing competition as more airlines are now flying to Keflavík. Low oil prices are also a major factor.

Prices have dropped most on flights between Keflavík and cities in European.