
Pagan Ásatrúarfélag receives letters from US prisoners 2603

13. mar 2023 20:38

The Icelandic Ásatrúarfélag regularly receives letters from prisoners in the US who wish to learn more about the old heathen faith of the Vikings. According to the National Broadcasting Service, many of the prisoners who write to the Ásatrúarfélag associate with right-winged populist parties while others are simply looking to learn more about the faith.

Read more:10 interesting facts about the old pagan Ásatrú

Ásatrú builds on the Old Norse religion practised by Iceland´s early Viking settlers. Essentially it´s a philosophy emphasizing tolerance and individual liberty and, therefore, has little in common with the idealogy of right-wing poulism.

The Ásatrúarfélag has also received some critisism from organisations such as the Soldiers of Odin (an anti-Muslim group founded in Finland in October 2015) for being too liberal. 

The Icelandic Ásatrúarfélag regularly receives letters from prisoners in the US who wish to learn more about the old heathen faith of the Vikings. According to the National Broadcasting Service, many of the prisoners who write to the Ásatrúarfélag associate with right-winged populist parties while others are simply looking to learn more about the faith.

Read more:10 interesting facts about the old pagan Ásatrú

Ásatrú builds on the Old Norse religion practised by Iceland´s early Viking settlers. Essentially it´s a philosophy emphasizing tolerance and individual liberty and, therefore, has little in common with the idealogy of right-wing poulism.

The Ásatrúarfélag has also received some critisism from organisations such as the Soldiers of Odin (an anti-Muslim group founded in Finland in October 2015) for being too liberal.