The great downtown Reykjavík hostel Kex kicked off a three-day Octoberfest last night. The German Ambassador to Iceland, Herr Herbert Beck, raised the first beer mug but certainly not the last of the festival. Kex has traditional Octoberfest fare, such as pretzel, bratwurst, and sauerkraut (see menu right) and the splendid local duo Die Jodlerinnen entertains guest with music.
Read more: The annual Icelandic Beer Day
Read more: Iceland’s top 5 most popular beers are by local brewers

The great downtown Reykjavík hostel Kex kicked off a three-day Octoberfest last night. The German Ambassador to Iceland, Herr Herbert Beck, raised the first beer mug but certainly not the last of the festival. Kex has traditional Octoberfest fare, such as pretzel, bratwurst, and sauerkraut (see menu right) and the splendid local duo Die Jodlerinnen entertains guest with music.
Read more: The annual Icelandic Beer Day
Read more: Iceland’s top 5 most popular beers are by local brewers