
Nine Icelandic experts travelled to the US to explore non-lethal economic use of whales 79

13. mar 2023 19:59

According to the National Broadcasting Service, nine Icelandic eco-tourism operators and museum professionals travelled to the US yesterday on a State Department exchange exploring the policy, economics and science for the non-lethal economic use of whales.

The group will spend ten days in the States in connection with the International Visitor Leadership Programme and meet with policy experts, conservationists and eco-tourism companies in Washington D.C., New Hampshire and eastern Massachusetts. 

According to the National Broadcasting Service, nine Icelandic eco-tourism operators and museum professionals travelled to the US yesterday on a State Department exchange exploring the policy, economics and science for the non-lethal economic use of whales.

The group will spend ten days in the States in connection with the International Visitor Leadership Programme and meet with policy experts, conservationists and eco-tourism companies in Washington D.C., New Hampshire and eastern Massachusetts.