Icelandic musician Einar Tönsberg has been nominated for an Annie Award for his music for the animated children’s television series Puffin Rock. The show is co-produced by Oscar nominated Irish animation studio, Cartoon Saloon, Penguin publishing and Northern Irish children’s media company Dog Ears and follows the adventures of a family of puffins living on a small island off the coast of Ireland. The award ceremony takes place in Los Angeles on 6 of February.
Einar is a well-known musician in Iceland who, in 2010, was awarded the Icelandic Music Awards for Best Song for the song Dreamin’ with his band Feldberg. This is the first time Einar composes music for a children’s television show – work that he describes as demanding but fun.
Read more: Icelandic music and the adventures of an Irish puffling
Iceland is home to the world’s largest puffin population and Einar was the only member of the production team who had laid eyes on a puffin.
“My parents-in-law live in the Westman Islands, where over two million puffins have their burrows. When I told my colleagues that my daughter had captured a lost puffling with the help of her grandparents, fed it and then brought it back to sea, no-one believed me. But it’s the honest truth,” he told Iceland Insider in 2014.
Icelandic musician Einar Tönsberg has been nominated for an Annie Award for his music for the animated children’s television series Puffin Rock. The show is co-produced by Oscar nominated Irish animation studio, Cartoon Saloon, Penguin publishing and Northern Irish children’s media company Dog Ears and follows the adventures of a family of puffins living on a small island off the coast of Ireland. The award ceremony takes place in Los Angeles on 6 of February.
Einar is a well-known musician in Iceland who, in 2010, was awarded the Icelandic Music Awards for Best Song for the song Dreamin’ with his band Feldberg. This is the first time Einar composes music for a children’s television show – work that he describes as demanding but fun.
Read more: Icelandic music and the adventures of an Irish puffling
Iceland is home to the world’s largest puffin population and Einar was the only member of the production team who had laid eyes on a puffin.
“My parents-in-law live in the Westman Islands, where over two million puffins have their burrows. When I told my colleagues that my daughter had captured a lost puffling with the help of her grandparents, fed it and then brought it back to sea, no-one believed me. But it’s the honest truth,” he told Iceland Insider in 2014.