Five MPs have signed on to a bill which would impose significant fines for any littering in Icelandic nature. The bill would amend the Nature Preservation Code by adding a new clause stipulating a mandatory minimum 100,000 ISK (910 USD/770 EUR) fine for anyone leaving trash in wilderness areas or along roadways. Currently the code does not contain any clauses on common littering.
Similar bills were submitted to parliament in 2014 and 2015, but failed to make it to a vote.
Four of the MPs who have submitted the bill come from the conservative Independence Party. The party is a member of the coalition government, led by the environmentalist Left Green movement.
Read more: US travelers unhappy about the trash at S Iceland waterfalls, take things into their own hands
Five MPs have signed on to a bill which would impose significant fines for any littering in Icelandic nature. The bill would amend the Nature Preservation Code by adding a new clause stipulating a mandatory minimum 100,000 ISK (910 USD/770 EUR) fine for anyone leaving trash in wilderness areas or along roadways. Currently the code does not contain any clauses on common littering.
Similar bills were submitted to parliament in 2014 and 2015, but failed to make it to a vote.
Four of the MPs who have submitted the bill come from the conservative Independence Party. The party is a member of the coalition government, led by the environmentalist Left Green movement.
Read more: US travelers unhappy about the trash at S Iceland waterfalls, take things into their own hands