
Local divers swam with three humpback whales. "Never any danger," said one of the divers 1680

10. okt 2014 13:24

Diver Birgir Skúlason swam with three humpback whales in Eyjafjörður, North Iceland, last week. “One can’t let an opportunity such as this slip,” said the diver when the National Broadcasting Service asked him about the incident.

Birgir was part of a group from Sportkafarafélagi Íslands, a local diving club, which had been diving around “Strýtan”, a massive submarine cone in Eyjafjörður fjord. Their guide, Erlendur Bogason (who discovered the cone in 1997), knew there were three humpback whales roaming the fjord that day so the group decided to go whale watching.

The whales had swum around the boat for thirty minutes when Birgir and another diver decided to jump in and join the gentle giants.

“There was never any danger. Whales are gentle and curious animals and never come too close,” Birgir explains.
After three minutes swimming with the divers, the whales bid their farewells and were off.

Watch a video of the diver’s encounter with the whales here

Diver Birgir Skúlason swam with three humpback whales in Eyjafjörður, North Iceland, last week. “One can’t let an opportunity such as this slip,” said the diver when the National Broadcasting Service asked him about the incident.

Birgir was part of a group from Sportkafarafélagi Íslands, a local diving club, which had been diving around “Strýtan”, a massive submarine cone in Eyjafjörður fjord. Their guide, Erlendur Bogason (who discovered the cone in 1997), knew there were three humpback whales roaming the fjord that day so the group decided to go whale watching.

The whales had swum around the boat for thirty minutes when Birgir and another diver decided to jump in and join the gentle giants.

“There was never any danger. Whales are gentle and curious animals and never come too close,” Birgir explains.
After three minutes swimming with the divers, the whales bid their farewells and were off.

Watch a video of the diver’s encounter with the whales here