
Landslide warnings still in effect in Eastern Iceland 3272

8. jún 2015 11:18

The landslide warning for Eastern Iceland, issued yesterday by the Icelandic Meteorological Office is still in effect. Heavy rains in the past days have caused many streams and rivers to swell, as well as melting snows in the mountains. As a consequence many mountainsides have become less stable, increasing significantly the danger of landslides.

The swelling rivers and streams have also eaten away at their banks, making them unstable, and in some cases destroyed roads and walking paths. A foot bridge over Selá river in Vopnafjörður was destroyed yesterday. The road on the southern side of Seyðisfjörður bay, outside the town, was closed after it was cut through by the floods. A guesthouse in Seyðisfjörður was also closed and evacuated.

According to the local news site visir.is the warning will most likely be revaluated later today, as the rains in the area have died down.

The landslide warning for Eastern Iceland, issued yesterday by the Icelandic Meteorological Office is still in effect. Heavy rains in the past days have caused many streams and rivers to swell, as well as melting snows in the mountains. As a consequence many mountainsides have become less stable, increasing significantly the danger of landslides.

The swelling rivers and streams have also eaten away at their banks, making them unstable, and in some cases destroyed roads and walking paths. A foot bridge over Selá river in Vopnafjörður was destroyed yesterday. The road on the southern side of Seyðisfjörður bay, outside the town, was closed after it was cut through by the floods. A guesthouse in Seyðisfjörður was also closed and evacuated.

According to the local news site visir.is the warning will most likely be revaluated later today, as the rains in the area have died down.