
Landowners not authorised to collect an entrance fee to the Reykjahlíð area, north Iceland 438

13. mar 2023 20:14

The District Court of in Reykjavík has concluded that the Landowners Association in Reykjahlíð, north Iceland, was not authorised to collect an entrance fee to the area last summer.  

Read more: 2888 krónur to visit Dettifoss, Leirhjúkur and the hot springs east of Námafjall mountain, North Iceland

The landowners collected an entrance fee to Dettifoss waterfall, Leirhnjúkur volcano and the hot springs located east of Námafjall mountain and intended to use the revenue generated by ticket sales to repair the sites and improve tourist facilities.

Read more: Dispute regarding entrance fees rages on

According to news agent Akureyri vikublað, the association‘s income was an estimated 250 million ISK (1,698,485 Euros/1,901,141 US Dollars). The landowners were ordered to pay 5 million ISK (33,970 Euros/ 38,023 US Dollars) in legal fees. The association intends to appeal the case to the Supreme Court. 

The District Court of in Reykjavík has concluded that the Landowners Association in Reykjahlíð, north Iceland, was not authorised to collect an entrance fee to the area last summer.  

Read more: 2888 krónur to visit Dettifoss, Leirhjúkur and the hot springs east of Námafjall mountain, North Iceland

The landowners collected an entrance fee to Dettifoss waterfall, Leirhnjúkur volcano and the hot springs located east of Námafjall mountain and intended to use the revenue generated by ticket sales to repair the sites and improve tourist facilities.

Read more: Dispute regarding entrance fees rages on

According to news agent Akureyri vikublað, the association‘s income was an estimated 250 million ISK (1,698,485 Euros/1,901,141 US Dollars). The landowners were ordered to pay 5 million ISK (33,970 Euros/ 38,023 US Dollars) in legal fees. The association intends to appeal the case to the Supreme Court.