If you have ever wondered whether a goldfish could survive being flushed down the toilet and, if so where it would end up, the employees of Reykjavík Energy (RE) can provide quite the spectacular case study. Enter a Japanese goldfish named Undri (or Wonder in English), that is living a quiet existence in a fishbowl in one of the company's buildings, six years after having been found in one of the processing stations for the sewage system for the Reykjavik area.
The trip through the sewage system left the beautiful ornate specimen with lasting scars as the rapid torrent in the processing station washed out both its eyes.
Undri's, or Wonder's, home is now at the processing station in Reykjavík where it was found, where the staff treats him as one of the wonders of Reykjavík's sewage system.
If you have ever wondered whether a goldfish could survive being flushed down the toilet and, if so where it would end up, the employees of Reykjavík Energy (RE) can provide quite the spectacular case study. Enter a Japanese goldfish named Undri (or Wonder in English), that is living a quiet existence in a fishbowl in one of the company's buildings, six years after having been found in one of the processing stations for the sewage system for the Reykjavik area.
The trip through the sewage system left the beautiful ornate specimen with lasting scars as the rapid torrent in the processing station washed out both its eyes.
Undri's, or Wonder's, home is now at the processing station in Reykjavík where it was found, where the staff treats him as one of the wonders of Reykjavík's sewage system.