
Increased use of public transport in the capital area 1038

13. mar 2023 20:02

The number of individuals using Iceland’s bus system has been on the rise in the past few years. “People want to use public transportation”, the information officer of Strætó, the capital area's bus company, told ruv.is.

Strætó buses plan on doubling their number of passenger journeys in the next eight years, or by 2022. According to the information officer, the strategic plans for 2030 plan for a threefold increase in passengers journeys compared to 2012, and that 12% of all trips in the country will be via Strætó buses. 

Nearly ten million passenger journeys were registered with Strætó buses last year, an increase from approximately 8 million passengers journeys in 2008. The numbers for this year suggest that the number of trips will go over ten million. 

The number of individuals using Iceland’s bus system has been on the rise in the past few years. “People want to use public transportation”, the information officer of Strætó, the capital area's bus company, told ruv.is.

Strætó buses plan on doubling their number of passenger journeys in the next eight years, or by 2022. According to the information officer, the strategic plans for 2030 plan for a threefold increase in passengers journeys compared to 2012, and that 12% of all trips in the country will be via Strætó buses. 

Nearly ten million passenger journeys were registered with Strætó buses last year, an increase from approximately 8 million passengers journeys in 2008. The numbers for this year suggest that the number of trips will go over ten million.