
Icelandic whale meat shipment heading to Japan worth 15 million USD 218

8. jún 2015 11:17

The cargo vessel Winter bay, which is carrying Icelandic whale products to Japan, has left port in Tromsö Norway to sail the North-East passage through the Arctic. The ship is carrying meat and blubber from fin whales caught by ships operating from the Hvalfjörður fjord whaling station. These whales are caught in Faxaflói bay, outside the whale sanctuary inside the bay, where whale watching firms operating out of Reykjavík take their tours.

Last year's catch finally on it's way to Japan
In an interview with a Norwegian newspaper Fiskeribladet Fiskaren Kristján Loftsson, the CEO and owner of whaling firm Hvalur, which owns the whale products being shipped to Japan, revealed that the cargo is worth two billion Icelandic Krona (15 million USD/14 million EUR).

Kristján also argued the ship was taking the North-East passage because it was shorter than the route around the Cape of Good Hope. Last year Hvalur sent a shipment of whale products around the Cape of Good Hope which ran into considerable problems as the ship was refused permits to dock along the way, due to its controversial cargo. The North-East passage is 14,800 km (9,200 miles) shorter than the alternative route.

Feels he is owed congratulations from environmentalists
As in every other interview in which Kristján Loftosson appears, he used the opportunity to blast environmentalists and conservationists, ridiculing those who wish to conserve the whales.

They should rather congratulate us for exploiting the fin whale population in a responsible manner and for transporting this cargo over this long distance to Japan in a exceptionally environmental manner.

The cargo vessel Winter bay, which is carrying Icelandic whale products to Japan, has left port in Tromsö Norway to sail the North-East passage through the Arctic. The ship is carrying meat and blubber from fin whales caught by ships operating from the Hvalfjörður fjord whaling station. These whales are caught in Faxaflói bay, outside the whale sanctuary inside the bay, where whale watching firms operating out of Reykjavík take their tours.

Last year's catch finally on it's way to Japan
In an interview with a Norwegian newspaper Fiskeribladet Fiskaren Kristján Loftsson, the CEO and owner of whaling firm Hvalur, which owns the whale products being shipped to Japan, revealed that the cargo is worth two billion Icelandic Krona (15 million USD/14 million EUR).

Kristján also argued the ship was taking the North-East passage because it was shorter than the route around the Cape of Good Hope. Last year Hvalur sent a shipment of whale products around the Cape of Good Hope which ran into considerable problems as the ship was refused permits to dock along the way, due to its controversial cargo. The North-East passage is 14,800 km (9,200 miles) shorter than the alternative route.

Feels he is owed congratulations from environmentalists
As in every other interview in which Kristján Loftosson appears, he used the opportunity to blast environmentalists and conservationists, ridiculing those who wish to conserve the whales.

They should rather congratulate us for exploiting the fin whale population in a responsible manner and for transporting this cargo over this long distance to Japan in a exceptionally environmental manner.