
Iceland most gender equal country in the world, World Economic Forum finds 8620

13. mar 2023 21:13

Iceland is closer to completely eliminating the Gender Pay Gap, a new report from the World Economic Forum finds. Iceland tops the list of 149 countries surveyed in the report. Four of the top five countries closest to eliminating the gender pay gap are Nordic countries: In addition to Iceland, which tops the index, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Norway occupy the other top four spots. 

This does not mean Iceland has managed to eliminate the gender pay gap: Far from it. Icelandic women are paid on average 82% of what men are paid for the same work, which is a better score than any other country in the world. The gender pay gap in Iceland is only half of the global average. The report finds that women are paid on average 32% less than men. Only in seven countries are women paid more than 80% of what men are paid for the same work.

Read more: The 1975 Women's Strike: When 90% of Icelandic women went on strike to protest gender inequality

Iceland is closer to completely eliminating the Gender Pay Gap, a new report from the World Economic Forum finds. Iceland tops the list of 149 countries surveyed in the report. Four of the top five countries closest to eliminating the gender pay gap are Nordic countries: In addition to Iceland, which tops the index, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Norway occupy the other top four spots. 

This does not mean Iceland has managed to eliminate the gender pay gap: Far from it. Icelandic women are paid on average 82% of what men are paid for the same work, which is a better score than any other country in the world. The gender pay gap in Iceland is only half of the global average. The report finds that women are paid on average 32% less than men. Only in seven countries are women paid more than 80% of what men are paid for the same work.

Read more: The 1975 Women's Strike: When 90% of Icelandic women went on strike to protest gender inequality