
Iceland is ranked 1st in the world in percentage of citizens that use the internet at 97% 365

13. mar 2023 20:05

Iceland grabbed the top spot for internet usage per capita in the recently released UN Broadband Commission report. According to the report, 97% of Icelander's have access to the internet, an astounding figure that speaks to the technological prowess of the Viking nation.

Iceland was followed by other Scandinavian countries, Norway, Sweden and Denmark on the top of the list. The United States was ranked 19th with 84.2% of its citizens using broadband services.

The report also made the prediction that over 50% of the world's population will have access to broadband by 2017. There are now 77 countries with over 50% of their citizens using the internet – up from 70 countries last year.

Iceland grabbed the top spot for internet usage per capita in the recently released UN Broadband Commission report. According to the report, 97% of Icelander's have access to the internet, an astounding figure that speaks to the technological prowess of the Viking nation.

Iceland was followed by other Scandinavian countries, Norway, Sweden and Denmark on the top of the list. The United States was ranked 19th with 84.2% of its citizens using broadband services.

The report also made the prediction that over 50% of the world's population will have access to broadband by 2017. There are now 77 countries with over 50% of their citizens using the internet – up from 70 countries last year.