
ICE-SAR was busy over Christmas, rescuing travellers stuck on mountain roads 7397

13. mar 2023 20:58

The Iceland Search and Rescue is an all-volunteer force of thousands of locals who are willing to leave their families or jobs at a moments notice to help travellers in distress. The nearly 18,000 members are organized in 99 companies based on geographic location. Their operations are fully funded by donations. Thanks to the generosity of people who give to the organization and the sacrifices of the volunteer members of ICE-SAR travellers can expect help and rescue, even on Christmas Eve!

Members of ICE-SAR were kept busy on Christmas Eve, rescuing several groups of travellers who had gotten stuck on mountain roads. Travellers in four different vehicles were rescued from Fróðarheiði heath on Snæfellsnes peninsula, travellers were rescued on Uxahryggjavegur in West Iceland near Þingvallavatn lake, and three cars got stuck on Víkurskarð mountain pass on the Ring Road in North Iceland 

Spent Christmas eve on Fróðarheiði 
Driving conditions on the heath were extremely bad on Christmas Eve. A storm with snowfall and next to zero visibility contributed to the people getting stuck. After the travellers had been rescued from the heath Police in West Iceland decided to close the road due to the weather.

Read more: Travellers spent Christmas Day stuck on heath: Failed to heed signs saying road impassable

Police requested assistance from ICE-SAR companies on Snæfellsnes peninsula shortly after eleven on Christmas Eve. At that time three different cars had gotten stuck on Fróðárheiði heath, which connects the north and south coasts of Snæfellsnes. When rescuers reached the first group they discovered the people had managed to make it to an emergency hut where they hoped to spend Christmas Eve.

The rescuers then made their way to the two other cars, helping them off the heath. When the ICE-SAR team was on its way back down from the heath they received a call that a fourth car had gotten stuck attempting to cross the heath.

Stuck in snow on Christmas day
Early morning on December 25 ICE SAR in Eyjafjörður fjord in North Iceland assisted drivers of three vehicles who had gotten stuck in on the Ring Road in Víkurskarð mountain pass on the eastern coast of the fjord. ICE-SAR members also assisted a group of travellers who had gotten stuck on Uxahryggjavegur road north of Þingvallavatn lake in West Iceland.

The Iceland Search and Rescue is an all-volunteer force of thousands of locals who are willing to leave their families or jobs at a moments notice to help travellers in distress. The nearly 18,000 members are organized in 99 companies based on geographic location. Their operations are fully funded by donations. Thanks to the generosity of people who give to the organization and the sacrifices of the volunteer members of ICE-SAR travellers can expect help and rescue, even on Christmas Eve!

Members of ICE-SAR were kept busy on Christmas Eve, rescuing several groups of travellers who had gotten stuck on mountain roads. Travellers in four different vehicles were rescued from Fróðarheiði heath on Snæfellsnes peninsula, travellers were rescued on Uxahryggjavegur in West Iceland near Þingvallavatn lake, and three cars got stuck on Víkurskarð mountain pass on the Ring Road in North Iceland 

Spent Christmas eve on Fróðarheiði 
Driving conditions on the heath were extremely bad on Christmas Eve. A storm with snowfall and next to zero visibility contributed to the people getting stuck. After the travellers had been rescued from the heath Police in West Iceland decided to close the road due to the weather.

Read more: Travellers spent Christmas Day stuck on heath: Failed to heed signs saying road impassable

Police requested assistance from ICE-SAR companies on Snæfellsnes peninsula shortly after eleven on Christmas Eve. At that time three different cars had gotten stuck on Fróðárheiði heath, which connects the north and south coasts of Snæfellsnes. When rescuers reached the first group they discovered the people had managed to make it to an emergency hut where they hoped to spend Christmas Eve.

The rescuers then made their way to the two other cars, helping them off the heath. When the ICE-SAR team was on its way back down from the heath they received a call that a fourth car had gotten stuck attempting to cross the heath.

Stuck in snow on Christmas day
Early morning on December 25 ICE SAR in Eyjafjörður fjord in North Iceland assisted drivers of three vehicles who had gotten stuck in on the Ring Road in Víkurskarð mountain pass on the eastern coast of the fjord. ICE-SAR members also assisted a group of travellers who had gotten stuck on Uxahryggjavegur road north of Þingvallavatn lake in West Iceland.