
Guests throwing coins into geysers a growing problem 4260

13. mar 2023 20:36

Guests visiting the Geysir geothermal area, South Iceland, continue to throw coins into the geyser Blési, an activity that is strictly forbidden.

According to Morgublaðið newspaper, so far, all efforts to end the practise have been in vain.  
Lárus Kjartansson, a specialist with the Environment Agency of Iceland and a ranger at Geysir area, says the coin-tossing has been a problem for many years. “Perhaps we need to put up bigger signs, to make sure visitors notice them,” he said. 

Guests visiting the Geysir geothermal area, South Iceland, continue to throw coins into the geyser Blési, an activity that is strictly forbidden.

According to Morgublaðið newspaper, so far, all efforts to end the practise have been in vain.  
Lárus Kjartansson, a specialist with the Environment Agency of Iceland and a ranger at Geysir area, says the coin-tossing has been a problem for many years. “Perhaps we need to put up bigger signs, to make sure visitors notice them,” he said.