
Greenpeace wants African ports to deny services to Icelandic ship carrying whale meat 214

13. mar 2023 19:59

After a successful campaign against Icelandic cargo ship Alma to enter port in Durban in South Africa for service and resupply, Greenpeace calls for port authorities in other African countries to boycott the ship.

In an interview with Icelandic news site Vísir Greenpeace campaign coordinator Pavel Klinckhamers said today that the movement of the ship will be closely monitored.

Currently the ship is belived to be south of Madagascar east of mainland Africa on its route to Japan.

See more on the strange mission of Hvalur company in Related Content below.

After a successful campaign against Icelandic cargo ship Alma to enter port in Durban in South Africa for service and resupply, Greenpeace calls for port authorities in other African countries to boycott the ship.

In an interview with Icelandic news site Vísir Greenpeace campaign coordinator Pavel Klinckhamers said today that the movement of the ship will be closely monitored.

Currently the ship is belived to be south of Madagascar east of mainland Africa on its route to Japan.

See more on the strange mission of Hvalur company in Related Content below.