Björgvin G. Sigurðsson has been discharged as the director of Ásahreppur municipality, South Iceland, after it became clear he had embezzled a significant amount of public money, reports Vísir. Björgvin had a credit card belonging to the community at his disposal and used it to pay for petrol, groceries and a digital camera, among other things. He also transferred 250 thousand krónur (1.628 euros/1.888 US dollar) to his bank account in November without authorisation and later explained he thought of it as prepayment.
According to Egill Sigurðsson, chairman of Ásahreppur municipality council, the misuse of money can be traced back to October 2014. “It began with small payments here and there but quickly escalated – like a snowball rolling downhill,” he told Vísir.
Björgvin G. was the Minister of Commerce from 2007 until 2009, representing the Social Democratic Alliance, and has been a member of Althingi for the South Constituency since 2003.
Björgvin G. Sigurðsson has been discharged as the director of Ásahreppur municipality, South Iceland, after it became clear he had embezzled a significant amount of public money, reports Vísir. Björgvin had a credit card belonging to the community at his disposal and used it to pay for petrol, groceries and a digital camera, among other things. He also transferred 250 thousand krónur (1.628 euros/1.888 US dollar) to his bank account in November without authorisation and later explained he thought of it as prepayment.
According to Egill Sigurðsson, chairman of Ásahreppur municipality council, the misuse of money can be traced back to October 2014. “It began with small payments here and there but quickly escalated – like a snowball rolling downhill,” he told Vísir.
Björgvin G. was the Minister of Commerce from 2007 until 2009, representing the Social Democratic Alliance, and has been a member of Althingi for the South Constituency since 2003.