German born and London based film maker Mattia Reiniger visited Iceland during this past summer with his partner Linda Toigo and their infant baby Alessio. The couple spent a full two months travelling around the country, visiting popular tourist sites as well as off the beaten path sites.
Like many other visitors the couple created a travel video documenting their experience. But this one had a small twist: Instead of capturing amazing aerial views, waterfalls and black sand beaches, like most other visitors, the couple created had baby Alessio star in the video.
The video is inspired by a famous ad from the Icelandic tourist board, Inspired by Iceland which featured people dancing and jumping around in Icelandic nature, apparently overwhelmed by its beauty. Little Alessio, being only 7-9 months old in the video, doesn't jump or dance, but he does seem to have enjoyed himself thoroughly throughout the experience! (Although the look on his face when he sticks his hand into the condiments of the hot dog conveys some concerned surprise!)
The original Inspired by Iceland ad:
German born and London based film maker Mattia Reiniger visited Iceland during this past summer with his partner Linda Toigo and their infant baby Alessio. The couple spent a full two months travelling around the country, visiting popular tourist sites as well as off the beaten path sites.
Like many other visitors the couple created a travel video documenting their experience. But this one had a small twist: Instead of capturing amazing aerial views, waterfalls and black sand beaches, like most other visitors, the couple created had baby Alessio star in the video.
The video is inspired by a famous ad from the Icelandic tourist board, Inspired by Iceland which featured people dancing and jumping around in Icelandic nature, apparently overwhelmed by its beauty. Little Alessio, being only 7-9 months old in the video, doesn't jump or dance, but he does seem to have enjoyed himself thoroughly throughout the experience! (Although the look on his face when he sticks his hand into the condiments of the hot dog conveys some concerned surprise!)
The original Inspired by Iceland ad: