Whales of Iceland, a 1.700 square metre (18.299 square feet) whale centre, was formally opened in Reykjavík harbour yesterday.
The centre is the largest of its kind in Europe, with over twenty life-size specimen models on display, some weighing up to 2 tonnes (4409 pounds).
The exhibition will focus on whales found off the coast of Iceland, their biology and behaviour. Apart from the specimen models, whale skeletons will be exhibited in the museum.
Where: Fiskislóð 23-35, Grandi harbour area

Whales of Iceland, a 1.700 square metre (18.299 square feet) whale centre, was formally opened in Reykjavík harbour yesterday.
The centre is the largest of its kind in Europe, with over twenty life-size specimen models on display, some weighing up to 2 tonnes (4409 pounds).
The exhibition will focus on whales found off the coast of Iceland, their biology and behaviour. Apart from the specimen models, whale skeletons will be exhibited in the museum.
Where: Fiskislóð 23-35, Grandi harbour area