
Drives an Ice-cream truck in the central highlands 3115

8. apr 2015 14:05

It does sound ridiculous, but it is a true fact: If you are lucky you can run into a ice-cream truck on your hike across the barren wilderness of the Central Highlands. The fleet of Ice cream trucks of The Ice Cream Truck, isbillinn.is, drive all around Iceland, regularly visiting every single farmstead, every single street in towns and cities and even some wilderness areas.

Ice-craem trucks in the highlands
Sigurður Grétar Jökulsson, who drives one of the trucks, tells local media service visir.is that he has driven the ice cream truck over the mountain road of Kjölur, visited the Kerlingarfjöll Mountains and the geothermal area Hveravellir in the highlands. But those trips were made more for fun than to make a profit. Sigurður tells the local news service visir.is. Still, he adds that you can find people who want ice cream are found everywhere. Even in the highlands.

Sigurður tells visir.is that the ice-cream truck is not always welcome: There are always some who complain that you are getting the kids too excited. Then you just answer that it must be awful that the kids can’t contain themselves out of joy. 

Check the schedule
If you want to find out where the cream truck is, and when it might arrive, you can find the schedule on isbillinn.is. Unfortunately the web page is in Icelandic, but with some determination and the help of a dictionary or your helpful uncle, Mr. Google Translate, you should be able to figure out where and when to meet the truck. The schedule includes phone numbers you can call to see what the schedule of the specific truck is.

It does sound ridiculous, but it is a true fact: If you are lucky you can run into a ice-cream truck on your hike across the barren wilderness of the Central Highlands. The fleet of Ice cream trucks of The Ice Cream Truck, isbillinn.is, drive all around Iceland, regularly visiting every single farmstead, every single street in towns and cities and even some wilderness areas.

Ice-craem trucks in the highlands
Sigurður Grétar Jökulsson, who drives one of the trucks, tells local media service visir.is that he has driven the ice cream truck over the mountain road of Kjölur, visited the Kerlingarfjöll Mountains and the geothermal area Hveravellir in the highlands. But those trips were made more for fun than to make a profit. Sigurður tells the local news service visir.is. Still, he adds that you can find people who want ice cream are found everywhere. Even in the highlands.

Sigurður tells visir.is that the ice-cream truck is not always welcome: There are always some who complain that you are getting the kids too excited. Then you just answer that it must be awful that the kids can’t contain themselves out of joy. 

Check the schedule
If you want to find out where the cream truck is, and when it might arrive, you can find the schedule on isbillinn.is. Unfortunately the web page is in Icelandic, but with some determination and the help of a dictionary or your helpful uncle, Mr. Google Translate, you should be able to figure out where and when to meet the truck. The schedule includes phone numbers you can call to see what the schedule of the specific truck is.