A motorist hit a lamp post while admiring the Northern Lights which were visible from the capital area yesterday evening. According to the National Broadcasting Service, the man was driving along Álftanesvegur road when the accident took place. The driver was left unharmed but the vehicle had to be towed away after the crash.
Today, Wednesday, is the last day tour operators offer Northern Light tours. The Aurora Borealis occurs in Iceland all year around, given that the auroral zone is situated above country, however it can only be seen between the months of September and May because of the bright summer nights.
A motorist hit a lamp post while admiring the Northern Lights which were visible from the capital area yesterday evening. According to the National Broadcasting Service, the man was driving along Álftanesvegur road when the accident took place. The driver was left unharmed but the vehicle had to be towed away after the crash.
Today, Wednesday, is the last day tour operators offer Northern Light tours. The Aurora Borealis occurs in Iceland all year around, given that the auroral zone is situated above country, however it can only be seen between the months of September and May because of the bright summer nights.