
Björk hopes another revolution will rid Iceland of its current government 2277

13. mar 2023 20:13

Musician Björk Guðmundsdóttir is unhappy with Iceland’s current right-wing government and hopes for another revolution to get them out of power. The singer expressed her concerns in a new interview with the Guardian and talks about how Iceland has gone back to how things were before the financial crisis of 2008.

Read moreThe Current State of the Icelandic Economy
Read moreRadio Television of Ireland looks into the aftermath of Icelandic banking crisis

“We did send some politicians to jail, and people stood outside the parliament banging pots and pans and sacked the government, so that was good. But then the leftwing government spent four years just cleaning up the mess, and lots of people had still lost their money and their homes. Then the rightwing Farmers’ party got in because they promised to erase everyone’s debts, which of course they now can’t do. They are a crazy insane government, just doing everything horribly wrong. Going back to what it was before the bank crash, but five times worse. All the changes that the left made – and I’m not for a minute saying that I’m left, I don’t see myself as left or right – but in five minutes they’ve gone back and privatised everything,“ she said. Adding: “So we’ve been hoping there’ll be another revolution to get them out.

Read more: Retrospective of Björk's career opens at MoMA on Sunday

Björk recently released her latest album, Vulnicura, which documents the end of her 14-year relationship with artist Mathew Barney, and last Sunday the Museum of Modern Art opened a retrospective of her work. 

Musician Björk Guðmundsdóttir is unhappy with Iceland’s current right-wing government and hopes for another revolution to get them out of power. The singer expressed her concerns in a new interview with the Guardian and talks about how Iceland has gone back to how things were before the financial crisis of 2008.

Read moreThe Current State of the Icelandic Economy
Read moreRadio Television of Ireland looks into the aftermath of Icelandic banking crisis

“We did send some politicians to jail, and people stood outside the parliament banging pots and pans and sacked the government, so that was good. But then the leftwing government spent four years just cleaning up the mess, and lots of people had still lost their money and their homes. Then the rightwing Farmers’ party got in because they promised to erase everyone’s debts, which of course they now can’t do. They are a crazy insane government, just doing everything horribly wrong. Going back to what it was before the bank crash, but five times worse. All the changes that the left made – and I’m not for a minute saying that I’m left, I don’t see myself as left or right – but in five minutes they’ve gone back and privatised everything,“ she said. Adding: “So we’ve been hoping there’ll be another revolution to get them out.

Read more: Retrospective of Björk's career opens at MoMA on Sunday

Björk recently released her latest album, Vulnicura, which documents the end of her 14-year relationship with artist Mathew Barney, and last Sunday the Museum of Modern Art opened a retrospective of her work.