
Best of Iceland August 8-15 1186

8. ágú 2014 14:17




A Proud Day
Reykjavík has been celebrating Reykjavík Gay Pride since 1998, and what was once a small and intimate event attended by close relatives and friends has now become one of the most happening events every summer in Reykjavík. The Gay Pride parade attracts around 100 thousand visitors to the center of capital. Even though the event has become quite large, it is still warm and friendly.

See more Reykjavík and capital area highlights


West Iceland

Music in Akranes Church
The Minua Trio consists of Kristinn Smári Kristinsson, Luca Pusch, who play guitar, and Fabian Willmann who plays bass clarinet. The trio will perform in Akranes Church on Tuesday August 12th at 8 pm.

See more West Iceland highlights



The Arctic Fox Centre in Súðavík
The Arctic Fox Centre is a non-profit research and exhibition centre located in the town of Súðavík. The centre focuses on the arctic fox – the only native terrestrial mammal in Iceland, and was founded by local people, tourist operators and municipalities in the Westfjords.
The centre is open in June until the end of August from  9 am to 8 pm (10 pm on weekends).

See more Westfjords highlights


North Iceland

Go the distance
The Jökulsárhlaup is a long-distance running event held in North Iceland. Jökulsárhlaup literally means “glacial river outburst” but the word “hlaup” also means run in Icelandic. The event takes place tomorrow, Saturday August 9th.
The course begins at Dettifoss waterfall and the finish point is in Ásbyrgi. Registration has been closed but people are welcome to watch and cheer on the runners. The run begins at 11 am.

See more North Iceland highlights

East Iceland

East Iceland Heritage Museum
The museum’s exhibition provides a great history lesson about East Iceland pre-dating the 1900s, when every household had to be self-sufficient with tools, food and clothing. The museum explains the history of hunting, crafts, food production, clothing and various aspects of daily life. Visitors are also invited to enter a 19th century style family room of a farmhouse, which was moved from the countryside and rebuilt in the museum. There are also various objects on display in connection to the 20th century urban development in the eastern region, i.e. from the history of health care, industry, trading, forestry, transport, schools and entertainment. The special pride of the museum is an archeological treasure, a brooch from the Viking period, found few years ago in the ground on a farm in East Iceland. 

See more East Iceland highlights


South Iceland

Going back in time at Eyrarbakki village
It is festival season in Iceland, and this weekend in Eyrarbakki is no exception. This festival provides a unique atmosphere in which locals and guests try to recreate the environmental from over 100 years ago. They dress up in clothes and partake in the common activities from that period in time. The festival will offer a nice history lesson for any visitors hoping to understand the Icelandic culture and will also like to enjoy some authentic Icelandic food!

See more South Iceland highlights

Reykjanes peninsula

Bird watching at Hafnaberg Cliff
For all of you bird enthusiasts out there, Hafnaberg cliff is a low, vertical cliff that is rich with a wide variety of different flora and fauna inhabiting its skies. Other birds that can be spotted at the cliff include  guillemots, kittiwakes, fulmars, razorbills and many others.  Sometimes seals and small whales can also be spotted a short distance off the coast. The cliff is located in a convenient spot and can be easily accessed from the main road.

See more Reykjanes peninsula highlights

Best of Iceland This Week is a guide for those who are curious about what's going on across Iceland and want local recommendations about events, activities and places of interest. This is the only Icelandic guide of its kind. New every week.




A Proud Day
Reykjavík has been celebrating Reykjavík Gay Pride since 1998, and what was once a small and intimate event attended by close relatives and friends has now become one of the most happening events every summer in Reykjavík. The Gay Pride parade attracts around 100 thousand visitors to the center of capital. Even though the event has become quite large, it is still warm and friendly.

See more Reykjavík and capital area highlights


West Iceland

Music in Akranes Church
The Minua Trio consists of Kristinn Smári Kristinsson, Luca Pusch, who play guitar, and Fabian Willmann who plays bass clarinet. The trio will perform in Akranes Church on Tuesday August 12th at 8 pm.

See more West Iceland highlights



The Arctic Fox Centre in Súðavík
The Arctic Fox Centre is a non-profit research and exhibition centre located in the town of Súðavík. The centre focuses on the arctic fox – the only native terrestrial mammal in Iceland, and was founded by local people, tourist operators and municipalities in the Westfjords.
The centre is open in June until the end of August from  9 am to 8 pm (10 pm on weekends).

See more Westfjords highlights


North Iceland

Go the distance
The Jökulsárhlaup is a long-distance running event held in North Iceland. Jökulsárhlaup literally means “glacial river outburst” but the word “hlaup” also means run in Icelandic. The event takes place tomorrow, Saturday August 9th.
The course begins at Dettifoss waterfall and the finish point is in Ásbyrgi. Registration has been closed but people are welcome to watch and cheer on the runners. The run begins at 11 am.

See more North Iceland highlights

East Iceland

East Iceland Heritage Museum
The museum’s exhibition provides a great history lesson about East Iceland pre-dating the 1900s, when every household had to be self-sufficient with tools, food and clothing. The museum explains the history of hunting, crafts, food production, clothing and various aspects of daily life. Visitors are also invited to enter a 19th century style family room of a farmhouse, which was moved from the countryside and rebuilt in the museum. There are also various objects on display in connection to the 20th century urban development in the eastern region, i.e. from the history of health care, industry, trading, forestry, transport, schools and entertainment. The special pride of the museum is an archeological treasure, a brooch from the Viking period, found few years ago in the ground on a farm in East Iceland. 

See more East Iceland highlights


South Iceland

Going back in time at Eyrarbakki village
It is festival season in Iceland, and this weekend in Eyrarbakki is no exception. This festival provides a unique atmosphere in which locals and guests try to recreate the environmental from over 100 years ago. They dress up in clothes and partake in the common activities from that period in time. The festival will offer a nice history lesson for any visitors hoping to understand the Icelandic culture and will also like to enjoy some authentic Icelandic food!

See more South Iceland highlights

Reykjanes peninsula

Bird watching at Hafnaberg Cliff
For all of you bird enthusiasts out there, Hafnaberg cliff is a low, vertical cliff that is rich with a wide variety of different flora and fauna inhabiting its skies. Other birds that can be spotted at the cliff include  guillemots, kittiwakes, fulmars, razorbills and many others.  Sometimes seals and small whales can also be spotted a short distance off the coast. The cliff is located in a convenient spot and can be easily accessed from the main road.

See more Reykjanes peninsula highlights