A new poll shows that prime minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson enjoys spectacularly little respect in Iceland. According to the new poll, by Market and Media Research MMR, 9% believe that the prime minister is an honourable man and only 5% think he has personal charisma.
Sigmundur is bottom or next to bottom in six of 11 questions regarding characteristics of Icelandic political leaders, among them honour, principles, leadership skills and serving the public interest.
Sigmundur Davíð is the chairman of the Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn) that forms the coalition government of Iceland with the Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn).
Financial minister Bjarni Benediktsson, the leader of the other coalition party, also receives a roasting in the poll. Only 10% believe that he is an honourable man and 5% say he understands the public, 20% however think that Bjarni has personal charisma. That is quadruple the amount of personal charisma of the PM.
Topping the list, coming in first or second place in all categories, is Katrín Jakobsdóttir, chairman of the Left Greens (Vinstrihreyfingin grænt framboð), with 47% believing that she is an honourable woman and 35% thinking that she is serving the public's interest.
Generally, MMR’s poll displays deeply rooted distrust and little respect for Icelandic politicians.
A new poll shows that prime minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson enjoys spectacularly little respect in Iceland. According to the new poll, by Market and Media Research MMR, 9% believe that the prime minister is an honourable man and only 5% think he has personal charisma.
Sigmundur is bottom or next to bottom in six of 11 questions regarding characteristics of Icelandic political leaders, among them honour, principles, leadership skills and serving the public interest.
Sigmundur Davíð is the chairman of the Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn) that forms the coalition government of Iceland with the Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn).
Financial minister Bjarni Benediktsson, the leader of the other coalition party, also receives a roasting in the poll. Only 10% believe that he is an honourable man and 5% say he understands the public, 20% however think that Bjarni has personal charisma. That is quadruple the amount of personal charisma of the PM.
Topping the list, coming in first or second place in all categories, is Katrín Jakobsdóttir, chairman of the Left Greens (Vinstrihreyfingin grænt framboð), with 47% believing that she is an honourable woman and 35% thinking that she is serving the public's interest.
Generally, MMR’s poll displays deeply rooted distrust and little respect for Icelandic politicians.