A new researched carried out by Fréttablaðið newspaper reveals that 67 per cent of Icelanders are opposed introducing new laws that allow the sale of wine and beer in grocery stores. 30 per cent are in favour. The result comes as a surprise to Vilhjálmur Árnason, MP for the Independence Party, who presented the bill to Alþingi yesterday.
“I have noticed great support from the general public, so these results do come as a surprise,” Vilhjálmur said.
Ögmundur Jónasson, MP for the Left-Green Movement, on the other hand, is pleased:
“People realize this would not be a promising development.”
In Iceland, alcohol is only sold in special liquor stores run by the state.
A new researched carried out by Fréttablaðið newspaper reveals that 67 per cent of Icelanders are opposed introducing new laws that allow the sale of wine and beer in grocery stores. 30 per cent are in favour. The result comes as a surprise to Vilhjálmur Árnason, MP for the Independence Party, who presented the bill to Alþingi yesterday.
“I have noticed great support from the general public, so these results do come as a surprise,” Vilhjálmur said.
Ögmundur Jónasson, MP for the Left-Green Movement, on the other hand, is pleased:
“People realize this would not be a promising development.”
In Iceland, alcohol is only sold in special liquor stores run by the state.