A traditional Icelandic woman’s costume, called upphlutur, was stolen from an exhibition in Reykjavík City Hall dedicated to women’s suffrage during the weekend, reports Morgublaðið newspaper.

The costume belonged to the Icelandic Cottage Industries Association (Heimilisiðnaðarfélag Íslands. According to information from the police, the thief snuck the mannequin wearing the costume out of the exhibition space into a storage room, where he undressed the mannequin before smuggling the dress out of the building.
According to Oddný Kristjánsdóttir, a tailor and a specialist in the Icelandic national costume, the stolen garment is too small to fit a regular sized, modern woman, making the heist rather impractical. The police are currently looking into the matter.
Upphlutur is a traditional Icelandic woman's costume, consisting of bodice and a skirt. Its headpiece is a tail cap, or skotthúfa. The costume is basically the undergarment of a faldbúningur, worn by Icelandic women between the 17th century and well into the 19th century, which evolved into a costume of its own right.
A traditional Icelandic woman’s costume, called upphlutur, was stolen from an exhibition in Reykjavík City Hall dedicated to women’s suffrage during the weekend, reports Morgublaðið newspaper.

The costume belonged to the Icelandic Cottage Industries Association (Heimilisiðnaðarfélag Íslands. According to information from the police, the thief snuck the mannequin wearing the costume out of the exhibition space into a storage room, where he undressed the mannequin before smuggling the dress out of the building.
According to Oddný Kristjánsdóttir, a tailor and a specialist in the Icelandic national costume, the stolen garment is too small to fit a regular sized, modern woman, making the heist rather impractical. The police are currently looking into the matter.
Upphlutur is a traditional Icelandic woman's costume, consisting of bodice and a skirt. Its headpiece is a tail cap, or skotthúfa. The costume is basically the undergarment of a faldbúningur, worn by Icelandic women between the 17th century and well into the 19th century, which evolved into a costume of its own right.