Twelve horses were found drowned on Sunday in Bessastaðatjörn lake in Reykjavík suburb of Álftanes, reports Ví Their owners noticed they were missing from the flock on Saturday. It is thought the horses had wandered in last week's blinding snowstorm onto the frozen lake and then fallen through the ice into the deadly cold water.

The horses belonged to Íshestar, a company that offers riding tours all over the country, and members of local equestrian club Sóti. Íshestar’s director describes the event as a tragic loss, both emotionally and financially.
A helicopter from the Icelandic coastguard spotted the horses in the lake as it flew over the area. All the bodies were recovered today, Monday.
Twelve horses were found drowned on Sunday in Bessastaðatjörn lake in Reykjavík suburb of Álftanes, reports Ví Their owners noticed they were missing from the flock on Saturday. It is thought the horses had wandered in last week's blinding snowstorm onto the frozen lake and then fallen through the ice into the deadly cold water.

The horses belonged to Íshestar, a company that offers riding tours all over the country, and members of local equestrian club Sóti. Íshestar’s director describes the event as a tragic loss, both emotionally and financially.
A helicopter from the Icelandic coastguard spotted the horses in the lake as it flew over the area. All the bodies were recovered today, Monday.